Tuesday, February 1, 2011

The Weather Outside is Frightful!

Thanks to my Weather Channel App, I know it's a balmy -9*, and feels like -28* right now. Hey, that's a heatwave, considering I woke up to -12, with a feels like temp of -32!

I had great plans for the day, take the baby to the sitter, go downtown and have my hair done, maybe even get lunch somewhere I don't usually get to go. Instead the schools are closed due to record breaking cold and I'm stuck inside with three crazy kids and an even crazier dog. Yeah, even with her coat Diva Dog refuses to go outside in this mess. There's only about 2-3 inches of snow on the ground, nothing major, but she just sits there and stares at us like, "no way, lady. You go do your business out there and see how that feels."

Needless to say, there's been lots of hot cocoa made today and I'm thinking we'll have some sort of stew for dinner. It was going to be beef, but I can't decide. We have a family visitor from Salt Lake coming over for dinner tonight before attending a conference downtown tomorrow so I might get creative. Who knows? Depends on if I'm brave enough to venture to the grocery store.

Since moving out here I've thought a lot about the pioneers. I don't know. Maybe it's my obsession with Denver native author Sandra Dallas and her books, which are all set in or around the Midwest and several in Colorado mining towns. When it's this cold I find myself thinking, "how did they survive?" Gives you a whole new respect for the awful things our ancestors went through to give us the comforts we have today.


  1. Oh, this takes me back to my northern IL upbringing.

    One winter, my friend had an Australian exchange student. The wind chill hit something like -70. Since it was before Google (talk about pioneers), we called the radio station and their weatherman converted that to Celsius for her. When she called her family and told them the temp, they said she was crazy - we would die if it was actually that cold. :-)

  2. Before Google? You are old! lol... says the person a few days older than you. My kids can't believe I grew up without a computer until 7th grade. Can you imagine the horror?!

  3. This weather is the worst! More snow tonight too...no thank you. I'm ready for sunny skies and warm weather!
