Wednesday, February 17, 2010

My Lenten Sacrifice

**********************Warning, this post contains some not nice language. If you are easily offended you might want to come back tomorrow. I'm rating it PG-13 for lewd content, if you are uncomfortable with that, don't say I didn't warn you.*********************************************************

Fat Tuesday is over and Lent has officially begun. And, as with every year I struggle to come up with something to give up for the next 40 days. So, I figured I would sit down and list the things I am pondering about sacrificing. Perhaps making a list will make me be a better person:

1. Unnecessary Facebook Friends. Don't scoff. You know you have them. You know in real life you only talk to about 4 people on a regular basis, but in FB world you have befriend hundreds of people. These are the people that you haven't talked to in say, 15 years. You received a friend request from them and had to go dig out a high school (or even elementary school) yearbook. Seriously. You could defriend some of these people and it wouldn't make a difference. Heck, they might not even notice. I recently tried to find a "friend's" page (mainly because another - real - friend told me something about her and I was nosey)... only to find out she had defriended me. Was I sad? No. Should I have been? Probably not. She fell into the "I saw her a few times and we were part of the same women's organization" category. I'm fairly certain we're mutually better off.

2. Chocolate or wine. HA! Who am I kidding? If I gave up chocolate or wine for Lent (as a good friend of mine is doing) then I would probably commit some sort of mortal sin that my soul would not recover from. I do not think the purpose of Lent is to give up something, which in turn, makes you homicidal. So, no - chocolate and wine must remain consumable products for me.

3.Trash talking people behind their backs. This one probably is a category that I should seriously consider giving up for Lent - or just all the time for that matter. I have a bad habit of saying how stupid/how big of a douchebag people are. Of course, I said a moment ago I do this behind their backs. In reality, if I think this of you - I'll tell you to your face... so technically I'm not badmouthing someone that doesn't already know I have a low opinion of them. But, it is a flaw of mine that I need to work on. Self editing is sometimes a good virtue to have.

4. Less time on the internet/facebook. Yep, I'm pretty sure the world will continue to exist if I'm not farming, shooting up cities with my Mob,  cooking up virtual dishes in my cafe, or pledging some virtual sorority. I mean, I did grow up on a farm and I did pledge a social club in college (and from what I've been told went on to be a very scary pledge mistress). So I've already done 1/2 of these things in the real world - do I need to relive it in the virtual land? Of course, then my days would be much longer, but really, I'm sure there's plenty to do around my real world house.

5. Watch less TV. Ok, this one falls in the "yeah, right" category. I literally have a show (or shows) for every single day/night. During the day it's reruns of my favorites now on syndication at night it's sitcom or reality tv. Oh, the list is long and varied, but if I gave up my TV then I would surely turn homicidal. Again, my eternal soul is at stake, so we cannot give up TV.

So there you have it. All my major character flaws (or at least the ones I'm willing to publicly admit to). In all honesty I think this Lent I'm going to try to follow numbers 3 and 4. And in the true meaning of Lent I will try to overall be a better person. Take time to be closer with my family, attend church more consistently, and do what it is we are supposed to do. Lent is a time of reflection. To remember the sacrifices Jesus made for us. He spent 40 days in the wilderness being tempted by Satan and not giving in. Surely I can spend 40 days not referring to irritating people as "that dumbass douchebag". Doesn't seem like nearly the same sacrifice, does it?


  1. If "douchebag" is a lewd, PG-13 word... then I am in a load of trouble!! I don't know that I could give it up for 40 days. I would have so much pent up anger that I would commit a mortal sin. Plus, I figure it's actually a medicinal product. I mean, no one would be mad if I called them a Band-Aid. Hey, maybe I should do that... every time I'm tempted to call someone a douche, I'll just yell a different product from the pharmacy aisle. "Get out of my way, you bottle of Advil!!!"

    But, I'll do my best to make your Lenten journey easier and I'll TRY to ease up on my use of d-bag so as not to tempt you.

  2. OK, your mean comments are waaaay nicer than my mean comments. Now I feel bad. :)

  3. I was more afraid that my mean comments just a sentence after a Jesus reference was going to confirm my reservation in hades. Thanks for the support, coming from fellow HUers I don't feel quite so bad now!

  4. Well, I capitalize the C in Church of Christ, so I'm a liberal d-bag, apparently. :-)
