Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Yes, My Hair is Naturally Dark... I Just Do or Say Stupid Things.

Ever have one of those moments where you say something, and the second you do you just know it was stupid? Well, that was me last night... and it was published out in cyberspace for all to see. I thought I'd be smart and sassy responding to a friend's facebook post.

This was her post (names left out to protect the innocent):
Every State of the Union makes me think of the time I made my sister watch and asked her government questions. Me: "Do you know what the Attorney General does?" Her: "Um, tells you not to smoke?!"

My response, in my most "intellectual" typing voice:
He/she also tells you not to drink when preggo. What? Did I miss something? ;p

And then, a lightening bolt hit me, and I attempted to redeem myself:
Oh wait... That's someone else. Lol. Surgeon General's warning... Now everyone knows why I went from poly-sci to something more creative.

Of course, we all know that the Attorney General is the head of the Department of Justice and is considered the chief lawyer of the USA. But for a moment, I just knew he was the guy who said if you drink during pregnancy your kid will come out with three eyes and 16 toes.

Believe it or not, I have a rather high IQ, and my college entrance exams were in the "impressive" category... even if my every day actions leave you to wonder... "Is she the girl the dumb blond jokes are written about" and why are they blond jokes if she's so obviously brunette?

So, now that I've opened up to the world and shared my most recent stupid moment, what's yours? Come on... one of my 15 followers has to have something much worse than this they can share and make me feel better!


  1. Obviously I have no such stories about myself (stop laughing)... but I'd be glad to tell you more about my sister. I mean, the person who posted that would probably have more stories like it. Not me. Someone else. :-)

    Or how about one on my husband? One day we were listening to the radio. Hank Williams, Jr. was on. David said "Man, he sounds JUST LIKE Bocephus."

  2. David cracks me up. Next time I'm in AR I'll have to try to get through G-brier at lunch time so I can meet him and witness the antics for myself - or he can join us for our 3 hour pizza party. :)

  3. My most recent stupid moment was going, "huh?!" when I read yours! :D Yes, I am also brunette, also fairly intelligent, and equally as "blonde" sometimes!
