Friday, April 23, 2010

Weird Weather

Sorry for the absence. It's been a weird week. Two days this week were spent at J's bookfair. And, well, the rest of the week I was basically just too absent minded to sit down and blog. Of course the fact that I've got "blogger's block" isn't really helping any, either.  Nothing happening here seems too terribly interesting to blog about these days.

I say that as I look over my monitor window into the back yard and wonder about this climate, yesterday was tornadic today it is a rain/snow mix. Who ever heard of a tornado followed by snow? I thought we had weird weather in Arkansas. I'm starting to think it's weirder in Colorado, just not as "severe". I hope my second observation stays true. Everyone knows I hate HATE severe weather. It gives me panic attacks, and since I'm not on such a close acquaintance with my doctor here as I was with my former doc back home, the use of Xanax anytime a tornado siren goes off is now an impossibility.

Yesterday was an interesting day. Started out slow and boring enough. I was at the bookfair, and we were relatively quiet. So planning for next year was underway (apparently I'll be chairing it next year, we *think*). A little after lunch we were completely dead and I was considering leaving early if it didn't pick up (we had 4 other volunteers there, so I wasn't shirking my duties. Plus I'd been there since 8 a.m.). That's when the sirens went off.

So, off to a little "closet" to the side of the library we go. Us and a classroom of kids. Now when I say closet, it was more of a storage unit. An actual room, just very small. Not like a coat or broom closet. There we huddled for about an hour while hail loudly pelted down on the roof. No, we didn't actually have a tornado here, just a strong possibility of one, and a funnel was observed south of us. We did get hail. On the side of town by H's school I heard one lady say it was enough hail that they got the plows out and plowed Chick-Fil-A's parking lot so traffic could go through. And apparently her neighbor's car windshield was broken by it? I don't know, it wasn't that bad by me - but that's what she was saying?

It was enough that flashbacks came. I remembered that day in January a few years back when I huddled with a group of friends in  their dorm at HU. Luckily this time, while huddled in my son's library closet, the lights didn't go out and sprinklers didn't come on. I really think e HU storm experience is what has made me prone to the panic attacks of late. Once everything was over, normalicy resumed. The bookfair continued. And, turned out to be a hectic/busy/profitable day. Maybe we need storms more often? The parents had to come inside the school to pick them up instead of just going through carpool line and the little stinkers got them to buy books while they were inside.


  1. I have another friend in your area who tweeted about the snow plows for removing hail! Crazy!!

    The night of the million tornados at HU was scary but some pretty funny stories came out of it for me. I guess I should blog them. :-)

    The severe weather is supposed to be here this evening. They are already throwing around the "t" word, so we'll see.

  2. Welcome to springtime in Colorado. It's not uncommon to see a bit of everything Mother Nature can throw at you...except hurricanes & tsunamis, of course. That would be weird to see a tsunami coming out of Cherry Creek or Aurora reservoir.

  3. ha ha!! A tsunami out of the reservoir might just be the beginning of the apocolypse.
